The Amazing Power of Shark Skin: Understanding the Designs behind Sharklet Technologies
Innovation in materials science has made it possible for Sharklet Technologies to develop a revolutionary solution to inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Inspired by the pattern on shark skin, this biomimicry innovation is changing how we protect ourselves from bacterial infections. In this blog post, you will learn more about Sharklet's unique pattern and ability to keep us safe from microbial threats while understanding why sharks evolved with such an effective defence system. Let's explore how this amazing power of shark skin can be used to revolutionise our lives!
Introducing Sharklet Technologies
Sharklet Technologies is a global innovator in the field of biomimicry. Founded by Dr Anthony Brennan, Sharklet focuses on understanding and harnessing nature’s designs to create materials that can protect humans from microbial threats. Through extensive research and development, they have created a revolutionary pattern inspired by shark skin called “Sharklet”.
Exploring the Discovery of Sharklet's Unique Pattern
Dr Anthony Brennan discovered Sharklet's unique pattern after studying the biology of sharks. He found that shark skin has a unique pattern which inhibits the growth of S. Aureus, P. Aeruginosa, VRE, E. coli, MRSA and other microbial species that cause illness and even death. The pattern has a natural micro-roughness that inhibits biofouling agents' adhesion while creating an unfavourable bacterial growth environment.
Shark skin at the microscopic level.
Source: WikiMedia Commons
Understanding How Sharks Evolved with this Pattern
Sharks have been in the ocean for millions of years, yet they remain relatively unscathed by biofouling agents. This is likely because they evolved with a unique pattern on their skin, inhibiting bacterial growth and keeping them clean. Sharks can swim through the water without accumulating biofouling agents due to their rough skin texture, which helps reduce drag and improve swimming efficiency.
Evaluating Sharklet's Ability to Inhibit Microorganism Growth
Sharklet Technologies has conducted extensive testing to confirm the efficacy of its micropattern technology. The results revealed that Sharklet could reduce microbial adhesion almost entirely while inhibiting bacteria growth. Additionally, it was found that the antimicrobial effects of Sharklet were durable and long-lasting.
Examining the Micropatterns Used by Sharklet Technologies
The Sharklet micropatterns are microscopic, so small that the human eye cannot see them. These patterns have been designed to mimic the unique pattern found on shark skin, creating an unfavourable environment for bacterial growth. These micropatterns' intricate yet exact design makes it impossible for bacteria to stick to surfaces and prevents biofouling agents from settling in.
Sharklet Technologies is revolutionising how we protect ourselves from bacterial infections with its biomimetic innovation. Their unique pattern inspired by sharks has proven effective against microorganisms and can provide a long-lasting solution to combatting infection. The fantastic power of shark skin is informing our lives in new, exciting ways, giving us hope for a safer future.
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Further reading:
Shark skin-inspired designs that improve aerodynamic performance
Aeroshark by Luftansa & BASF