GIZ - GSI Circular Economy Solutions Dialogues 2021

We are thrilled to be invited to join the international participants by GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - a German development corporation.

Together in an interactive, co-creative and moderated setting we will discuss circular economy policy instruments, business models and technologies facilitating uptake of circularity in the plastics value chain in order to bend the linear agenda. We will analyse what hampers uptake of existing solutions and to identify supplementary new approaches.

Our workshops will be across 4 sessions as follows:

  1. A common understanding of challenges and solutions in integrating circularity in value chains, focusing on plastics.

  2. A technological perspective across the plastics value chain.

  3. How can we scale up the challenges?

  4. How can we define context-sensitive strategies for abroad implementation of mechanisms scaling up the uptake of circulare conomy practices across the plastics value chain?

Our role with to bring in our expertise in biomimicry and the circular economy to highlight the best practices and what we can develop from industries, and nature (!), from around the world.

We will share the insights from this working group upon completition in June 2021.


Capgemini workshop


Planetary Health Alliance Members