Flectofold: A Symphony of Nature and Engineering

Flectofold demonstrater image highlighting the symphony of nature and engineering

Flectofold demonstrator at the Natural History Museum in Stuttgart.

In the realm of modern architecture, the quest for energy-efficient and adaptive building systems is relentless. Enter Flectofold, a groundbreaking façade shading device developed by the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) at the University of Stuttgart, in collaboration with the University of Freiburg. This innovative project sought to address a significant challenge: creating a durable, adaptive shading system without the mechanical wear and tear associated with traditional hinges.


The Challenge

The primary challenge was to design a façade shading system that could dynamically adapt to environmental conditions while maintaining long-term reliability. Traditional shading systems often rely on mechanical hinges, which are prone to failure due to repetitive use. The goal was to develop a hinge-less system that could offer the same, if not better, adaptability and durability.

Waterwheel Plant image as inspiration for biomimetic Flectofold facade

Waterwheel Plant (Aldrovanda Vesiculosa) Image Credit: Arthur Chapman

Evolutionary Inspiration

The solution to this challenge was found in the natural world, specifically in the carnivorous waterwheel plant, Aldrovanda vesiculosa. This plant's snap-trap mechanism, which allows it to capture prey with rapid, hinge-less movements, is the biological role model for Flectofold. The plant's lobes are connected by flexible hinge zones that enable swift and reversible motion, a principle the researchers sought to emulate in their design.


The Flectofold System

Flectofold is an elastic-kinetic façade shading system composed of 36 modules, each covering an area of approximately 1 square metre. These modules are made from materially-graded fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) laminates, which include glass fibre-reinforced plastic, elastomer, and TPU film. Each module integrates a pneumatic cushion that, when pressurised, induces elastic bending in the FRP laminate, resulting in movement and transformation.


The system is mounted on an anticlastic guiding surface supported by a steel sub-structure, which ensures precise alignment and integration of the pneumatic actuators. The control system allows for individual or synchronised operation of the modules, based on user input or pre-programmed sequences, enabling dynamic adaptation to changing environmental conditions.


Outcomes and Impact

The Flectofold project successfully demonstrated the potential of nature-inspired solutions in creating adaptive and durable architectural systems. The hinge-less design, inspired by the waterwheel plant, eliminates the mechanical wear issues associated with traditional shading systems. The project highlighted the feasibility of using materially-graded FRP laminates for complex architectural surfaces, offering a new avenue for energy-efficient building designs.


Exhibited at the BauBionik Exhibition at the Natural History Museum in Stuttgart, Flectofold showcased the seamless integration of biological principles into modern engineering, paving the way for future innovations in adaptive building technologies.


In essence, Flectofold is a testament to the power of nature-inspired innovation, where the elegance of the living world meets the ingenuity of human engineering, creating a harmonious blend of form and function that promises to revolutionise the way we think about building design.


Facts & Figures

Here are some key facts and figures related to the Flectofold project:

  • The full-scale demonstrator consisted of 36 Flectofold modules, each covering an area of approximately 1 square metre.

  • Each module had an integrated pneumatic cushion that could be pressurised between 0.04 - 0.09 bar to induce the elastic bending motion.

  • The modules were made of fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) laminates with a material gradient, including glass fibre-reinforced plastic, elastomer, and TPU film.

  • The pneumatic actuation system allowed individual or synchronised control of the modules based on user input or pre-programmed sequences.

  • Computational simulations using finite element analysis were carried out to study the influence of geometric parameters like curved-fold line radii on actuation forces and stress concentrations.

  • The hinge-less design, inspired by the waterwheel plant, eliminates the mechanical wear issues associated with traditional shading systems.


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